
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - June 2014

Now I want to inform the readers about something other than                            I know this column of mine is not digestible; many people portray and explain it in their own way however I have no concern with that. Falsehood is falsehood and truth is truth, truth shows its truthfulness itself. Ghosts are the creation of this universe and they are the true creation and their world is also the factual world of this universe.   Today the whole scientific world is after them.

My strong affiliation with ghosts:

Before telling you about                I want to make something clear that I got several experiences from the life of JINAAT (ghosts), they truly exist in this world and one cannot deny them. My aim is not to convince anyone in this regard but all I want to say is that I have an old and strong affiliation with ghosts and it is in my routine since several years to regularly attend their meetings, their weddings, their religious ceremonies etc and how can I put these yearly experiences on the piece of paper because pages of UBQARI are few and experiences are various so even if I express all those facts which are revealed on me nobody would believe me.


In previous editions I talked about THATHA ghosts and lock ups of ghosts in THATHA. After the publishing of this edition few powerful ghosts came to me and complained that since that column is published many AMIL visited graveyard of MATLI in THATA and they are constantly searching for the address of those ghosts. Some AMIL are extremely powerful and they perform powerful AMAL in order to get control over these ghosts, but we are protected because of the AMAL that you gave us


Among these ghosts one ghost also told me that one AMIL visited from foreign and he brought all eatables and other thing along him. He stayed on eastern side of MAKLI which contain the oldest graves and is the place of most dangerous ghosts. We tried our best to scare him; we scare him by taking the form of snakes, mongoose, insects etc. Once we tried to scare him by coming in form of a big dog and a wolf but he didn’t move an inch. He was constantly doing his AMAL. He didn’t gain control of us but we were sure that through his AMAL he would surely disturb our system because he had quiet strong AMAL. It was actually an AMAL of IBRANI language which was not SHIRK or against QURAN but it was a strong one. At last we started an IBRANI language AMAL that you gave us and we appointed 3 people for AMAL against him. After the struggle of 9 days that old man who came from foreign got up and said that I was considering myself as the biggest AMIL but don’t know who is behind these ghosts who gave them such strong and effective AMAL, these ghosts are not as powerful as my AMAL.  He was saying that I am not a failed AMIL rather I am a successful one. My heart, soul and AMAL all are effective. I am a Muslim and follower of HAZRAT MUHAMAD ﷺ­ and QURAN, I am not afraid of anyone……then why……? After some time he started screaming, his voice lost far away in graveyard. We all ghost were stunned….. We were getting happy on whatever he was saying but we were surprised as well….. He had such strong belief on his AMAL.  


One ghost of MAKLI among them said that ALLAMA SAHAB you told us many AMALS and whatever AMAL we have we present it to you but one thing which is the most important is the strong belief on one’s AMAL. We realize it today that why you always teach us this, in order to get full control of AMAL one should have strong belief on it. An AMAL on whom one does not have strong belief won’t be as effective.


We learnt this thing from that old man who got constantly engaged in his AMAL for 9 days and 9 nights, he didn’t sleep for even one moment. He used to eat parched grains and used to drink water by taking small sips so that he won’t have to go to washroom. During this one old ghost of MAKLI said in his shivering voice that we were afraid that today he will surely gain control over us because the faith and belief he had over his AMAL was disturbing us a lot but the AMAL of IBRANI and SIRANI language that were from HAZRAT IDREES  علیہ السلام and you got them through old ghosts, that AMAL saved us.


We didn’t tease that old man when he was leaving. We couldn’t even do that because he had such strong AMAL which created disturbance all over MAKLI graveyard. But while he was leaving we gave him gift of such flowers which do not wither, if somebody eat one petal of that flower he won’t be hungry for one year.


We revert to Allah and we are happy. We pray for your comfort, safety and safety of your generations against future troubles.


One another Jin complaint that people come here without clean dress, unwashed and without Wudhu . Then they claim that their prayers must be obliged.  He said to Jin that it is good that they come to God even and have their intentions towards HIM. This is a very big blessing.  In meanwhile, we were called on for meal and this time we had a meal of Glass palace.


Meal on Kings’ dining table:  I landed on floor from the mat. I saw that there were many foods, meals and diversified diets.  I saw this and smiled as he said it may be suitable for you. I replied that this is a very good meal and I smiled because of the reason that this bread of barely and honey is the diet of Sahaba, shaheedain, Ahl-e-bait and pious people who conquer this world with these diets. And they find the blessings, good deeds and high positions which were very rare.


Meeting with King of Koh-e- Hindukash:  We were taking a meal of barley as one very big white colored bird appeared among us. They said that  we have invited him in this banquet and he was bit late in arrival. He is the king of Jinns of Koh-e-Hindukash and has qualities of JALAL and QAHAR. He has been born of specific gene by Allah and now this generation of Jinns is rare. The quality of JALAL and QAHAR is consistent in these Jinns.  We invited him for you in this banquet as he was bit late.


Jinns belong to generation of slaves of Hazrat Shees:  I met with the jinn who was from generation of salves of Hazrat Shees who was one of the sons of Hazrat Adam ( A.S) . We introduced ourselves. He told me his age 12 hundred years and 32 months and he said that he will live more as his family has an average age of 2500 years. And I am a young as compared to them, rest of my life age is better known by Allah.


I started asking him about different things and secrets. He told me very different and unique prospects as I was stunned and thinking of the secrets of this universe and one Ayat of Quran came to my mind.( ARABIC text) . Ya Allah you know the every secrets of this universe and you have all that, we know only what you have given us.  In this way jinn told me about one secret as follows:


In the full moon night, when moon is on full mood with light, real Sura Al shams 41 times by seeing the moon. Read Bismillah every time and Darood e shareef 7 times.


First benefit: The person without children will have children.


Second Benefit:  The secrets of sky and earth will be open to him


Third benefit: He will get a lot of wealth


Fourth benefit:  He will be highly honorable


Fifth benefit: His body will be filled with Noor.


Sixth benefit: At the time of death benefit, he will see the Allah like he see the moonlight.


Seven Benefit: By continuous reading this for years, he will become the most pious and spiritual personality.


I was listening to Idrees Jin as he told me that read this in the light of moon and read it my seeing the moon, if you don’t have learnt this by heart, then read by watching the Sura shams and have a look at moon time to time.  He told that it was informed by some Tabbee Jin and he told that it have many other benefits apart from explained above. You will experience the secrets once you do this and keep on doing this.


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